(1) Explanation of this application (Sake GO!) 1. You can add todays drinking record from the menu displayed from the "+" button or the upper left button. It is possible to record not only alcoholic beverages but also "snacks" and "exercise". This allows you to calculate your calorie intake and calorie expenditure. 2. You can add original items from the pen icon on the bottom right of the recording screen. Icons can use images saved on the device. 3. You can see the record of the specified date by pressing the calendar on the home screen or "Edit record". If you forget to add your drinking record, you can add it later. 4. If you accidentally add the wrong item, select "Cancel" in the message that appears immediately after adding. It cannot be deleted from the edit screen. 5. The alcohol decomposition time will change depending on your weight and gender, but the already calculated alcohol decomposition time will not change. 6. It is possible to post the current state and alcohol decomposition time to Twitter from the share button on the upper right. Its completely free, so please share it and spread it to many people. (2) Calculation of alcohol decomposition time The calculation of alcohol decomposition time in this app is based on the general standard of 0.1g/hour per 1kg of body weight. (Example) A man weighing 60 kg can decompose 6 g of pure alcohol in 1 hour. In addition, since alcohol decomposition is also performed in muscles, albeit in very small amounts, we have adopted an algorithm that slightly increases or decreases according to muscle mass. In addition, it takes into account common muscle mass differences between genders and liver processing capacity to make advanced calculations more reliable. (3) Precautions 1. The aforementioned general alcohol breakdown rate does not take into account genetic factors, individual differences, or the frequency of regular alcohol consumption. People with certain genes may have a slower rate of alcohol breakdown. Especially those who do not get sick no matter how much they drink, Alcohol decomposition is slow and acetaldehyde is generated little by little, so it is characterized by not causing hangovers. On the other hand, the alcohol decomposition rate may temporarily increase in people who have consumed more than a certain amount of alcohol, or who have been drinking alcohol for several days in a row, so it is necessary to calculate the exact time to decompose alcohol. is difficult. 2. Due to the reasons stated in the preceding paragraph, please use the calculation of alcohol decomposition time by this application only as a guideline and as a record. We recommend using an alcohol checker before doing dangerous work such as driving a car or operating machinery. 3. The developer and seller are not responsible for any damage caused by using this application.